Guitar Lessons in the Time of Corona
I have found that the most important thing so far is to be individually responsive to each student. Tech savy students want to use Zoom which allows them to record a video file. Others use Face Time if they have Mac products while other want Skype. There are a few folks who are trapped inside and want to get out for an hour and I sit with them a distance and work on music.
People love attention and the more nuance you can supply on line the more they stay connected to what you are offering. On line lessons gives you the chance to literally "resize" your guitar students on the screen and provides you with a new perspective you can't get with your normal line of site sitting across from a student.
I have made a list of my contact info for each student (Face Time, Skype, Zoom) I am ready to go when I start teaching.
What has helped your students stay on track the last few weeks?
By: David Reynolds - Monday, March 23, 2020